
Welcome to Treehouse Catering, a one stop shop for delicious food that comes to you.  If you're looking for a private chef, an event caterer, or help developing a knock out menu, you've come to the right place.  We offer bespoke catering services for celebrations, corporate events, small weddings and much more.  Using seasonal produce from local suppliers, we revel the challenge of creating new and exciting dishes, as well as recreating classics. 


Private Dining

Delicious and creative dishes for all manner of occasions. Bespoke menus available for all price points. Get in touch for a full range of services and prices


Dishes designed for your personal taste.  Whether you want to create a one off menu for a special event, or a range of dishes for your family.  We've got you. 


Dish demonstrations, food festivals, corporate events, weddings, cooking lessons.  There is no event too big or small.  

Contact us

We look forward to hearing from you! Please fill out the form below with any questions or inquiries.

Treehouse Catering
Warwick, England, United Kingdom





Founded by MasterChef Finalist Terri Fearon, Treehouse Catering is a private dining business based in Warwick, England.  We specialize in creating exquisite dining experiences for any event or occasion. The aim of Treehouse is to provide affordable restaurant quality food in any environment.  All of our recipes are written to maximize the flavor of everyday ingredients whilst incorporating influences from around the world. We offer full catering services and can customize our menus to your specifications. If you have an event coming up, and want to know more, please get in touch using the contact form.